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INI File
210 lines
# FILE: setup.ini
# VERSION: @(#) setup.ini 2.6 94/09/13
# Copyright (c) 1994 SoftQuad Inc.
# The script roughly does the following in order:
# create the setup screen, throw up a welcome dialog, get and
# create the application directory, install the product, create
# or modify the program group ( this can be skipped ), and provide
# some options to the user at the end.
# This file allows you to configure what the script does, and is split
# along the same lines as the script.
# The file is like a normal MS-Windows .ini file. It contains
# into sections of key-value pairs. Example:
# [SectionName]
# key1=value1
# key2=value2
# Trailing and leading blanks are ignored. Enclose the value
# in single or double quotes if you need the blanks.
# Screen Initialization
screenTitle= SoftQuad Panorama 1.0
# Welcome section
# Throws up a welcome dialog with at most 10 lines of text
# Leading spaces are ignored, unless you quote the string
# In the example below lines 1,4,8,9 and 10 will be left blank.
# Line2 and line3 will be indented.
line2= "Welcome to SoftQuad Panorama 1.0, the first SGML"
line3= "browser for the World Wide Web."
line4= "NOTE: In order to successfully install Panorama you"
line5= "must have installed and run Spyglass Enhanced Mosaic on"
line6= "your system. If you have not done this, please exit now and"
line7= "install and run Mosaic."
# make a check to determine if emosaic.ini has been installed in windows
checkMosaicIni = yes
# The (top-level) application directory ( e.g. D:\AE )
# gets directory of user choosing, verifies that there is enough disk space
# and creates the directory if this is a new installation
# if installing on top of an old installation, give a "tag file" whose existence
# the script can check
# if this is a new installation, the top-level directory will be automatically
# created
newInstallation = yes
# dont prompt for installation location
# the Windows drive will be automatically prepended
defaultLocation= "\softquad\panorama"
# Bytes used up by the complete installation. The script will add on the overhead.
# You will have to total up the sizes below ( in Installing ).
# Header text for the application directory dialog
# Maximum of six lines of header
line1= Setup will install this application into the
line2= directory appearing below.
line3= If you want to install Panorama in a different directory
line4= simply type in the full path name of the directory in the
line5= space below.
# Installing
# The application directory is already created. The installation part of
# the script will creates the sub-directories, which you must specify.
# It then installs the disks, one by one.
# number = 0 is legitimate
number = 5
# the application directory is already created
# specify relative to the top-level directory, all the other directories to be created
dir1= catalog
dir2= catalog\icon
dir3= entityrc
dir4= manual
dir5= tmp
number = 1
# the full label on a disk is, typically, SoftQuad Panorama 1.0 Disk 2.
# the script will add the Disk 2
diskLabel= SoftQuad Panorama 1.0
# Compressed File Description:
# name,target directory relative to application directory, description
# for status bar, total uncompressed size
file1=top.z,.,Expanding and installing Panorama and configuration files ...,2300000
file2=catalog.z,catalog,Expanding and installing Panorama catalog ...,316000
file3=icon.z,catalog\icon,Expanding and installing Panorama icons ...,13000
file4=entity.z,entityrc,Expanding and installing Panorama entities ...,34000
file5=manual.z,manual,Expanding and installing Panorama manual ...,330000
# number = 0 is legit
number = 0
# Program group section
# NOTE: a group name may NOT contain double quotes, commas, or parentheses.
skipProgramGroup = no
#### Removing old groups ####
# set to yes if you want to remove an old program group e.g. A/E 3.0's group
#### Creating or checking for existing program group ####
createGroup = yes
defaultGroupName = SoftQuad WWW Applications
# defaultGroupFile useful only if creating a new group
defaultGroupFile = SQWWW.GRP
#### Adding new items ####
# no of items to add to/replace in the group, 0 is o.k.
items = 1
# Item Description
# ----------------
# binary, command line arguments, description
# Give binary relative to the application directory, the script will prepend the
# application directory. The working directory will be the application directory.
# NOTE: the description may NOT contain double quotes, commas or parentheses
item1=panmsg.exe, ,SoftQuad Panorama 1.0
#### header text for the program group dialog ####
# maximum of 8 lines allowed as header text
line1= Setup will create a program group in the Program Manager
line2= with the following file name and description.
line3= NOTE: Any existing program group with the same name will
line4= be replaced.
line5= If you want to create the group with a different name or
line6= description, change the fields below:
# End Options
# Once the installation is done and the program group is created,
# give the user the option to register product and/or view readme file
# The readme file, for now, is README.WRI and must be in the installation
# top-level directory.
skipEndOptions = yes
registerProduct = no
theRegisterProgram = REGISTN.EXE
product = Panorama
file = panorama.ini